Friday, February 6, 2009

Preparing in San Antonio - tell Diane and Boone we need their advice nest Wed.

Elias and team:

The second wave from San Antonio is slowly preparing for our end of month flight across the world!

We have read all of the posts and enjoyed reliving your traffic jams and feasts at the farm.

Please relate to Diane and Boone that our group will be meeting on Feb 11 (next Wed) at the Bright Shawl at 11.45 for a regular meeting of the Rotary Club of San Antonio. I will have the podium for 10 min and will show my edited video of Bill Gates' presentation of $255 million at the International Assembly in San Diego last month. There will be an Express-News reporter there and a photographer as well as a WOAI and KTSA reps too - so their presence would add greatly to the story and the picture.

Then afterwards in the Boardroom - we would love to hear some their accounts of the trip as well as tips about packing, eating, sleeping, etc.

Elias - keep up the great blog...we are hanging on every word.

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